Saturday, May 3, 2014

The company, since its inception, has always feared that something wrong happened trophy in his wor

The company, since its inception, has always feared that something wrong happened trophy in his works. From this recklessness, coupled with the unstable chance or coincidence events arose - and situations - or external events which, by association, were causing such errors. Whether trophy by luck, chance, whammy, bad luck or superstition, the fact was that also arose elements that prevent such misfortunes. From this line of reasoning led to the popular belief that certain objects could avoid unpleasant surprises, big losses, disasters or unpleasant losses. Know mascos.
Amulets and Talimãs know well the term pets, it derives from the Provençal chew, which means sorcerer. And the mascots as we know - games between teams, travelers, soldiers and lovers - bring good luck to those who wear them. There were two types of mascos: Talimãs: Do Telesma Greek, which means mystery, were considered able to attract luck. Amulets: Served as shields against the evil eye. The term derives from the Latin amuletum synonymous colloquial cyclamen - a plant which was said to protect from poison. In medieval Europe, the evil eye was accused of various woes. Also known as amulets - this term very widespread in Candomblé in Brazil - the potential amulets include: gems or simple stones, statues, coins, drawings, trophy pendants, rings, plants, animals, corals, horseshoes, etc.; Even expressions to repel evil or bad luck, for example: vade retro satana (Latin) - which means "! Go back, Satan" . The mascos are common in all societies; What actually varies is the chosen symbols and objects. In China, spread coins on the floor and rice attracts money and wealth. For old Escadinavos, runes protected against evil and against witchcraft. In Western Europe, believed that garlic Matinha the free people trophy of vampires. To the Celts, the four leaf clover symbolizes good luck. In Arab countries a hand with an eye in the middle serves as protection against evil. In India and Tyrol, small bells to frighten demons ringing. Since the Middle Ages in Western culture pentagrams have had a reputation trophy as protective amulets trophy against evil, envy, misfortune, etc..; to attract money, love, etc..; Every zodiacal symbol corresponds to a gem that acts as an amulet. Such symbols can have adverse meaning. Such as the cat in ancient Egypt was revered as a sacred animal. But now in medieval Europe it was believed that witches could appear trophy in the form of cat. We conclude that the fact that a symbol can be interpreted in contradictory ways suggests that most likely is not the talisman that wields power, but the belief of the wearer. Another fact is that, over time, these symbols can change and even win opposite connotations. A great example is the swastika. There are those who do not know, because of Nazism, the swastika is a symbol that represents "good luck" trophy for many people. Also known as eggnog cross, it is a mystical symbol found in many cultures, different time, such as the Hopi, Aztecs, Celts, Buddhists, Hindus Greeks and Indians. What was Adolf Hitler used the Buddhist meaning "good wind", turning the symbol into something disgusted by the whole world.
Protect Yourself With Religion in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, most Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Middle trophy believed in the power of healing and protective amulets trophy and talismans. Talismans used by these peoples can be divided into three main categories: The first are carried or worn on the body types. The second version is a talisman that hangs on / or above the bed of a sick person. The last classification of talisman trophy is one with medicinal qualities. This last category of magical item can be divided into external and internal. As Christians we have to cross (and crucifix), for Egyptians trophy have the Eye of Horus, to Buddhists have Buddha images, for the Jews have the tallit, for Candomblezeros have the amulets, to have the cross demonologists inverted, among many others. The talimãs can also be used as a signal of a particular belief code. The fish, for example, is a symbol of Christ, used by Christians as a password when they were persecuted by the Romans.
Trivia: In Thailand, almost all shops are embellished with a wooden penis, symbol of fertility and wealth. The phallus can also be found in temples, some measuring over 2m in length. In Pakistan, we should not sweep or clean the floor after the setting of the sun, because it runs the risk of attracting bad luck for life. In Japan, the girls to get boyfriends should write the name of the applicant in the left arm and then cover it with a piece of tape for

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