Saturday, January 31, 2015

Situation in Ukraine due to a worsening Latvian and Finnish presidents Andris Berzins and Sauli Nii

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The Catholic Church does not deny internationally Midsummer celebration with folk songs, but calls for June 24 believers attend worship and celebration during the escape from the occult, esoteric felt balls activity, moderation of alcohol use and remember that in this festive felt balls time of the ten commandments of God and morality, and morality is not canceled informed the Latvian Roman Catholic Church Information Center.
"Given the fact that the Jewish tradition, the holiday began with the previous day's evening, or the emergence of the first stars, the Church celebrations began in the evening, like the feast of the Nativity, Easter, All Saints' day. In turn, the ancient Latvians before the arrival of Christianity felt balls did not celebrate midsummer day, but celebrated the summer solstice, or shortest night of the year, which was June 21 this year. When the end of the 13th century, the Latvian Christianization of both celebration and merged solstice celebrations were "merged" with St. John the Baptist felt balls vigīlijas tional celebration of the spirit of the fire, etc. Incidentally, the name John is the linguistic origin of the Hebrew word meaning - God is gracious, "says the priest Ilmars Tolstovs
Published in 1946 in exile Arvid Dravnieks felt balls book "History of Latvian literature. People Traditions", reported that traditions are sacerējušas individuals, but its further spread and transformed the entire nation. "People majority were given the opportunity to accept and store it in a corresponding spirit of the people, and put the remembrance of it, which is contrary to the popular perception of life and perception. It is knowing we can now say that the popular tradition gets people's spirit and wisdom. After popular tradition can be judged by the same people, as it has been watching on life and its phenomena, "wrote beekeeper.
Doctor of History priest Andris felt balls Priede notes that most of the folk traditions have evolved rather than prehistoric cultural layer, but the 14-15th century. "It is a fantastic Livonian Christian thought symbiosis with ethnographic means of expression, because most folk song tradition in the majority, we can not find anything other than their own Christian ethics preached by our first missionaries," said Pine.
He points out that only 19 to the 20th century, at the turn of the ethnographic folk tradition was artificially separated from the Christian felt balls tradition. "The separation was initially our folklore, but then deliberately pagan simpatizējošu, Christianity adverse community work. Private Latvians it was not a problem," says Pine.
For example, the Midsummer bonfire - where the 14, 15 and 16th century and no it was not a problem. It was like a hymn of praise "Benedictus" John the Baptist: "We visited Auseklis from above ..." That's a nice folksy way as the anthem of praise for the birth of John the Baptist to visualize. felt balls "The problem will arise if we now midsummer bonfire, dance, play, jumping over the fire, sweet flag battles or crown throwing a river or oak for the purpose felt balls will award antikristīgu or pagan interpretation. But that is each person's private choice, felt balls and at the same bonfire and Midsummer crown is not at fault, "said the priest. felt balls Article Comments (16) Evening News: Conspiracy theory - as advisor to prime minister died?
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Situation in Ukraine due to a worsening Latvian and Finnish presidents Andris Berzins and Sauli Niinistö support the strengthening of sanctions against ...

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