Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The role of the intellectual is not got no doubt that the more educated classes of those stab wound

Weekly my article here - the "Corporation" - a few weeks ago ago from Jordan, and the corruption, theft, and fraud, the ordinary citizen. The fraud was not the only power, it was also counted by the observations themselves intellectuals, published articles on a lot of writers who were taking olymel the matter of Jordan exposing olymel the curtains and hide, and The corruption and the corrupt, and thieves stealing disclosed. But we did not write in this last week, and he also did not write here this week - in "Elaph". The brothers wrote to me in recent days, asking about where they read me what they used in the affairs of the Jordan, olymel they have to look at the various sites from the internet, I still write in the subject of Jordan. They will find many of the answers to their questions. They all appreciated the event firstly, for their interest and follow up.
While education? It is designed olymel to be determining formal or informal? Is it a man becomes once education is the medium that allows him to publish what it gossip. What is more these days, Arab intellectuals and commentators from the book, fill their websites. But they had more of the readers themselves? It is the supreme authority of residence olymel or the lower the intellectual entity? It is the power of money power, or authority, or military authority, or political power? I have found some Arab intellectuals, the power of money is the strongest power in the cultural field. And fear of the freeze, prevention, insulation, and control, they established their own websites, where they write what they want, and whips liberated from other publishers. But what makes those who have the money to buy a floating bundle of radishes olymel or falafel sandwich?
Sartre says in his "defense intellectuals" book: "The intellectual as the man is not a mandate olymel from anyone, not as a result of the decision, but it is a product olymel of metamorphosis Mschh community. There is no claim for himself, and no one recognized him. "(P. 36). Pain becomes the intellectuals of some writers and commentators Msokha, because they are the product of culture and community Mmsuchh?
Intellectuals and intellectuals sellers radish Some work as consultants to the rulers or the rulers of kids fall, and fill their pockets with money and gold, and if it does control almost or almost one of the family son, or his aides in the fall, Nsilwa their hands on it, and distill the hair of the dough, and it looked as if angels and lords of the past that is the devil, and took the smile to the reader innocent smile of the Virgin. And be "atonement" of patent material and gold take of modernity and modernists, liberals, liberalism, is sinking into the lake of liquid gold, and stage a myth Medusa (goddess of wisdom and snakes), a prevents both appear to stone as legend has it. The Medusa intellectual fake, it turns all the snake liberal or tumbler, olymel as we see now in some websites.
The role of the intellectual is not got no doubt that the more educated classes of those stab wounds. Limited capitalist enemies of the poor and destitute. The limited control of the enemies of the opposition parties, and limited religious man of the infidels and atheists enemies. Despise the working class intellectuals, and betray the ruling classes, olymel and always collide - as Sartre says - even contradictions in the People's party after it happened in contradictions made to modify and change. In the third lecture offered olymel by Sartre in Quito in Tokyo, olymel Japan in 1965, Sartre chose us what education, he said: "Everyone has something to say. And the right to choose the means of communication that are able to transmit the maximum amount of information, but at least can Allaaalamih structures. "Although speech is said in 1965, we still have our Arabs to the media, which can move as much information as possible, without fear or hesitation, or profit and loss. Whether the institution of civil government or the media, the weight balance, which is the amount published olymel therein, the balance of gold, and nothing olymel else. So were most of the media and commercial media, and the words for shops selling tea, sugar, frying oil, it is said.
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