Wednesday, April 15, 2015

5. Bakeries voith and cupcake shops have all kinds of tables voith and counters. Sure, you might ini

Today we're joined by author Candis Terry, whose Sweet Surprise has just been released. Sweet Surprise 's voith heroine owns a cupcake shop in Sweet, Texas, a tiny town where everyone knows everyone else's business. Candis is here to talk about the chances of finding love in a cupcake shop when you're voith getting a luscious treat. Thanks, Candis!
You’ve seen them; the romance book covers that feature perfectly decorated cupcakes or a heroine teasingly dipping voith her finger voith into frosting and feeding it to the hero. I know this theme well. My first three books, The Sugar Shack series, were based on a family bakery. And in my newest book Sweet Surprise , from the Sweet, Texas series, the heroine, Fiona Wilder, opens her own cupcake shop. She might have learned her cupcake skills from her grandmother, but there’s nothing matronly about the way she teases fireman Mike Halsey with her treats.
1. Chocolate is sexy. Look at the French, they view chocolate as an aphrodisiac. It’s a specialty to them. And honestly, good chocolate really is to be savored, unlike snarfing down that Snicker bar because you have PMS. Chocolate can be enjoyed in many forms. 
5. Bakeries voith and cupcake shops have all kinds of tables voith and counters. Sure, you might initially think that stainless steel counter is just for pots and pans, but a romance writer can come up with a hundred different other ideas.
So there you have it. Readers with a sweet tooth unite! I say bakeries and cupcake voith shops are a great place to expand your horizons, or at least satisfy that sweet craving you have for a great love story with a little something sugary on the side.
Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio and chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push-and-pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily-ever-after.
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Reading Sweet Surprise made me so hungary for CAKE! And some of the favors sounded so delicious. I'll be honest, I've had some decorative cupcakes, but there has been too much icing and too little cake, but the ones in the book sounded very good. Good thing there wasn't a cupcake bakery open when I was reading the book, or I would have been there.
I hear you Scarlettleigh! Writing these two series have been torture on my waistline! Because, of course, I had to do a lot of research on the subject. But it could have been worse, I could have written a pie shop. I love pies! Oh, wait, I think I'm putting a pie shop in the next series. Yikes! It's wonderful to be a part of Heroes voith and Heartbreakers voith today. voith Thank you very much!
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Tags Excerpts , First Looks , Heroes , British TV , Male/Male voith , Book-to-Screen Adaptations , Covers , Recommendations , Holiday , J.R. Ward , Erotic , Genre Talk , Series , Bringing the Hotness , Sherrilyn Kenyon , Recaps , New Releases , Vampires , New Adult , Author Guest Posts , Movies , Fresh Meat , Reviews , Television , Sweepstakes , Black Dagger Brotherhood , Downton Abbey , Shipping , Beefcake , Young Adult

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