Monday, November 11, 2013

The film received the Grand Prize at the Banff Festival 2004, a bronze medal at the New York Festiv

His method is based on educating children from an environment of absolute respect among children and developing empathy. It gives them voice and having a say treating them as people who are giving them the freedom to develop their individuality.
One of the methods used is "notebook cards". Children often write letters in a notebook in which they explain bendigo woollen mills their feelings, what they think about something or what solutions would give a problem. Each day three boys read your letter and the rest can comment on that.
This makes children learn to look within, to look to themselves, recognizing their individuality and to name their emotions and therefore to understand those of others. It teaches them to think about the rest and ultimately be happy growing from respect of self and others.
To Kanamori "no limit participation. They tell their stories and everyone shares their feelings. When people hear real, live forever in our hearts. That is the great meaning bendigo woollen mills of these letters. "
The film received the Grand Prize at the Banff Festival 2004, a bronze medal at the New York Festival, the Grand Prize at the Television Festival of Japan and the Gold Medal at the USA International bendigo woollen mills Festival of Religion, Ethics and Humanities. It is produced by the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK).
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