Thursday, November 13, 2014

Journal entitled The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University Stu

Researcher: Vanessa M. Buote, S. Mark Pancer, Michael W. Pratt (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada), Gerald Adams (University of Guelph, Canada), Shelly Birnie-Lefcovitch (Memorial University, Canada), Janet Polivy (University of Toronto, Canada), Maxine Gallander Wintre (York University, Canada)
Journal entitled The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University Students contains about the importance of making friends in the first year when first entering the university. This is because of the difficulties in the transition from high school to enter the world's lectures. The difficulties that exist can lead to stress. These difficulties consist of nostalgia with the house and misses with old friends (Paul & Brier, nilkamal 2001), depression, thought disorder, psychological disorder, emptiness of mind (Fisher & Hood, 1987), feelings of isolation (Brook & DuBois, 1995), academic impairment (Levitz & Noel, 1989), and the rise of personal conflict (Fisher nilkamal & Hood, 1987).
New students basically have three characteristics. nilkamal First, do not know the learning system in the college. Secondly, do not know the infrastructure that can be used to support the learning process, such as libraries and student organizations. Third, not familiar with the academic community and the employees who will interact with them during studying (Sun, 2009). Therefore, the University made a means for new students to get to know more deeply the world through the introduction of campus lectures or often called ospek. This is because new students often get the problem in terms of adjustment during the first year in the lecture. One purpose of the introduction of this campus is to know other fellow freshmen (Swisma, 2009).
During the transition to university, new students will be more likely to interact with fellow students. Friendship nilkamal among fellow students to make students able to share the taste and not feel alone. This is because they have the same weight in the world of course. For example, in terms of tasks or activities that campus that can lead to stress. According to (Tokuno, 1986), a friend or close friend is one mechanism that can counteract the difficulties and stressors. This is because a friend is social support.
This study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative research was conducted using a longitudinal study. Researchers involved 1845 participants nilkamal from six Canadian university. Participants consisted of variations in terms of the number of the student population, the number of classes, differences in tribes, municipalities, and location (province). Students who do not meet the standards of measurement would be eliminated. Qualitative methods were used in this study one of them using the interview method. According to Patton, 2001, made a qualitative analysis researchers can achieve the deepest sense of the experience and perspective of an individual. This qualitative study involved 12 students consisting of 8 men and 4 women were taken based on the largest sample of students who can complete the questionnaire.
Based on the evidence described above, nilkamal the journal nilkamal entitled The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University Students quite relevant. The transition from high school to college is a time period that is very susceptible to stress to new students. Students nilkamal must be able to adapt well in the first year at the University. Students who can not adapt well will not be able to last long in the university. One way that can help the students to adjust to is to have a fellow student.
Buote, VM, Pancer, SM, Pratt, MW, Adams, G, Lefcovitch, SB, Polivy, J, Wintre, MG (2007). The Importance of Friends: Friendship and Adjustment Among 1st-Year University. Journal of Adolescent Research. Accessed on September 26, 2009 from
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