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How can it be that married women and mothers for a short time to pay that much needed winter boots, winter coat or the SBB Streckenabo from their savings? It so do not dare to buy their personal belongings from the family money?
This, although they also work full-time: as a housewife, plasters, nannies, family wool felt manager - and part-time in the office. What appreciation that women have compared to yourself? Do you think it stands to them not because they themselves hardly earn money? Or is it that they want to retain a degree of independence and can not be endure?
What I am describing is a disturbing reality. There are women who live with their families in four-room apartments, drive a small car and travel two to three times a year on holiday. Before they started a family, they had good jobs, they earned their own money for years. They were since the end of their training never dependent, spending only went it alone slightly. wool felt But since they are mothers and live mainly on merit of the man, they are suddenly unsure of what they are entitled to it.
"Yes, because you do not speak with your husbands? 'I asked recently surprised wool felt three women of my acquaintance, as they told me about their situation. Otherwise, you do always so open-minded. You talk about feelings, contraception, sex, hospitalization, terminal care, religious beliefs and so much more. In all of this you give you insane open and tolerant wool felt in general. But about money you dare you not to talk? The one silent, the other muttered something of false pride - and the third said it was just a difficult subject.
I assume that this "difficult issue" concerns not merely a few of my acquaintances, but many other women and men also. Money is obviously in many respects still a taboo. For me it is incomprehensible, because wool felt as soon as the couple has children together, wool felt so is the family, it must also talk about money. There is no way around it - no matter which family model to decide the parent. Otherwise, the money issue in relation to a stumbling block and a cause of stress. Because money ultimately wool felt also means power. wool felt Money stands for self-esteem, success, wool felt achievement. On the money a certain appreciation is visible. wool felt Therefore love women - and even men! - Talking yet again about money.
More about on Tuesday next week: A budget and debt advisor provides information about which are the greatest debt traps of families - and how it comes to best organize themselves money.
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A man buys televisions, stereos, computers, etc., of which the wife and children all can have what. A woman buys sau expensive handbags, shoes, clothes, etc., and when she sees the man once in the pretty black dress gives ne huge discussion.
Another question is who a raise benefits. In this case, men and women are equally well qualified (the wife even slightly better, but of course vedient less) and work for the same pay. Now the child and the woman is reduced (unfreiwillig!) to 60% and the man at 80%. The man, however, promoted and receives 500 monthly CHF more money. The woman who has washed their transport through the family foundation in the toilet, is now poor, mother and strapped for cash, during which man affords 500 CHF extra-expensive Brioni suits and gadgets. Is that fair?
It was impossible with my husband to talk about money. For seventeen years I got no own money and never a household wool felt budget increase during my marriage. In the meantime the children intensifies, the more expensive life and money scarce, wool felt while my husband earned more and a lot of money for his "personal development" spending. I then, started against his will, a part-time job. Suddenly, it was said that I could pay my dental bill, children's clothes etc themselves, although the earned was no more than pocket money. A worse kind of abuse of power!
Children around what you let yourself be one there. Those who opt for the Family walk but has an account for the "everyday" needs, and he who pays or what needs but does not matter (as long as it comes up, and I have as an aunt ...). Say, the narcissism in our Gesel
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