Friday, December 13, 2013

Is boring and yes it should never be with the women. I myself like to set up and Ikea for example a

Why women always want to change the flat? And why would not the men? |
Women have it with us men is not always easy. Conversely, this is also valid! Just last year I had reported about the kind of women who for sweet footballers "interested" and "but a pretty hairstyle Hui, who has now" Men can very quickly drive you crazy with comments like us. Well, before you can even protect adequately by peeps football only in convivial round of men or to withdraw leleux watching football. I myself am lucky that my better half is particularly interested neither for football nor for footballers leleux in particular, so that this problem leleux occurs leleux rather fortunately in my circle of friends and acquaintances than myself. To that effect, so I have peace.
But there is a danger leleux of the woman's world that concerns me. I would even say that it relates leleux with probability bordering on certainty 90% of all men. No, it's not the fear of the man in front of the shoe store. It's about a much fuller cut event with far-reaching consequences:
Have you ever wondered why men furniture stores leleux such as IKEA like to avoid? No, not because of the endless queues at the tills. And no, not just because of the rules in that checkout line containers with the tea lights packs. Although I do wonder what some people as to accomplish with the candles when the bag masse pack located right in the shopping cart. If where every day bathed three times romantic candlelight?
No, the reason why we men like to avoid such furniture stores is simply that women there can not hold back and come at every turn to new ideas about what you "finally change" could be in the apartment. leleux You know that, as a typically feminine phenomenon. Man (n) comes home and suddenly-to put it bluntly-the leleux kitchen where the morning was the bedroom. Mir is now the probably soon before because my better half has experienced on an Internet portal from a 10% discount campaign at IKEA.
Now I'll be back "due". In the best case, only a little "redecorating", so that one for weeks nothing more finds because nothing is in its place or was entirely thrown away without being asked. Or else I come home in the evening and the booth is really rearranged. For the horror of men because women have somehow no real understanding. After all, only the TV from a wall is moved to the opposite and got a bit of color to the wall. Yes, but this changes everything! Because the window is suddenly on the other side, the sun shines at a different angle to the television, the wind comes from the unusual side and the long-established in loving detail couch also needs to be "re-eating", so to get back comfortably leleux in his may depend seat well. I also wonder where women take the time and energy to suddenly renovate half the apartment besides work or entire massif cabinets alone (!) Switch, whereas they ächtzen and whine when they sometimes have to carry the purchases in the apartment .
And you know what? In the moment when you have it as a man then just managed to somehow get used to the new circumstances, to come to terms with the new schedule, leleux you come home in the evening - and the fair sex has changed everything again. I suspect secretly that women can smell it when men begin to feel at ease and then intervene immediately. Probably lies in the genes.
No, it is really boring to women never. And of course we love the men, even though it may be quite stressful to them sometimes. How did it with my readers? About If you also often feel the need to convert the apartment? leleux Why is that? Do you feel otherwise not well or is it simply a desire for change? And how do my readers react when suddenly the apartment was renovated. Or you're leleux one of the few copies, which is something not happened yet? Or would you even as a man on a regular basis your design concept jettison and set you new?
Is boring and yes it should never be with the women. I myself like to set up and Ikea for example already, even as a man! But maybe it's just that it is often still the case that woman more at home than the man who comes in the evening from work. And if you stop every day in the four walls that you can stop also in terms of furnishing, a little more variety would like? Perfect would be the following: You point it right e

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