Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Many Waidler are then sat stunned in the dry living room, have the terrible flood images followed o

Waidler help! - Then the Count Auer involved for the flood victims | Since Hog'n - Online Magazine ausm woid
Start Since Hog'n comes to rundumadum district FRG cultural Hog'n Shake That woid Boarische wave Grenz'nlos BastianK instant adventure since Knaus of the week How it looks Versus Ausprobiat Heartbreak G'schmatz delicacies ausm network goes wos weida Do I mog wos wean Drent & Herent lynx, Lusen & Co. holiday dahoam Made in da home G'forscht and Tüftlt You start me up Service Hog'n Since Fuadgeh theodore alexander check Guad aufg'hom theodore alexander Guad fian Gejdbeiddl theodore alexander Heid Middog's natural Kuchl ausm woid S'Woid Veda sports Hog'n Moaktblotz Hog'n-(E)-Koatn Moaktblotz partner Afg'miagt!
Grafenau / PA / DEG. After the flood, the flood victims theodore alexander reached a wave of solidarity and helpfulness on the Danube, Inn and Ilz. The cleanup went with the help of many volunteers theodore alexander usually quickly and effectively by equipping. Household items, furniture, clothes - in addition to the basic things lacked especially of money. The Hog'nianer donated 11,000 theodore alexander euros, leaving five affected families from Passau could be helped, each with 2,200 euros. And one more from the Community woid was formed to do good: "Waidler help! "From Grafenau. In Hog'n-interview, co-initiator Tanja Hackl about the project, cross-border aid and stories that go to the heart.
"Waidler help!" Is a privately-organized group of dedicated Waidler consisting of housewives, businessmen, theodore alexander members of parliament and workers who flood affected support with donations. Photos: "Waidler help!"
'Help Waidler!' is a privately-organized theodore alexander group of dedicated Waidler, composed of housewives, businessmen, members of parliament, workers and even children who gathers in kind and cash donations for the communities affected by floods in the immediate vicinity as well as our partner community Schärding, transports organized - or otherwise manner just want to help. Mostly the members come from the Greater Grafenau. The initiators are Manuela Blob, Lothar Beckert, Adolf Blöchinger, Susanne Müller, Monika Schäffner, Andrea Weber, Tanja Hackl and Nicole Hölzl. "The friendliness of the people around Grafenau was terrific"
Many Waidler are then sat stunned in the dry living room, have the terrible flood images followed on television. We have already seen that streams overflow their banks and cause damage - but this level of destruction was new for all of us. The helplessness against this force of the water made us suffer. The first reports of the volunteers on site who are finally 'infected' - we wanted to make our contribution. It was spontaneous theodore alexander - 'help mums' along the lines of - launched an appeal for donations and asked for help. Quick a small group of women and men are found together, the desire was to support the people affected by the floods. The search for a suitable space to carry out the collection action, proved to be extremely difficult theodore alexander - but ultimately could yet be realized.
For a whole day Grafenau experienced a wave of help in the form of in-kind donations such as clothing, bedding, towels, baby carriages, toys, electrical appliances and everything needed to equip a destroyed theodore alexander house stand again fairly new. Things of everyday theodore alexander life, there was no longer theodore alexander from one moment to the next. The helpfulness of the people around Grafenau was terrific. In every home there are usually items that we can share with our fellow men spontaneously. And even children brought over their toys that they wanted to share with the boys and girls in the flooded areas. Nice experience: bureaucratic assistance of companies and volunteers
It was possible on the same day, to send a full 7.5 tonne after Hengersberg. Unbureaucratic quickly, within minutes, was taken place in the local construction yard after an accept-stop was surprisingly been reported from Deggendorf. The remaining donations were stored only in the old yard in Grafenau and are now in Schoenberg, in the hall of the former clothing store Beckert. The owner leaves the helper theodore alexander store the donations there for free until the apartments and houses are ready for occupancy again in the flooded areas - which is partially take months. A concerned lady in Passau-neck told that it is her only in November expected to be able to move back into her apartment. So what began with a spontaneous donation day, developed into a major action of withME

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