Friday, February 21, 2014

Kerry once defined patriotism as

Unfortunately possess neither the exceptional qualities of the typical Vietnam veteran. Both are willing pager for a president deardens who has no clue about foreign relations deardens and castrate deardens our military - our surest guarantor of peace and the only government institution that still works.
Hagel, who once condemned the appointment of a gay ambassador, and homosexual behavior in the military now supports a 4-sided military (Gay Straight, Bisexual and Transgender.) As a testament to his loyalty and military foresight, he turned to his commander in chief, President Bush and denounced the war in Iraq, which he voted for, and called President's Bush's successful extra effort (surge) "the most dangerous foreign policy mistake in this country since Vietnam." He also said, "Our relationship with Israel is special and historic. ..... But it does not and can not be at the expense of our relationship with Arabs and Muslims. "By definition, affects our relationship with Israel, our relationships deardens with Arabs and Muslims. Modify it and you're doing on the other, which could be Obama's goal.
Hagel joins the political turncoats as Senator James Webb who seek media polls to see what they suggest in order to achieve their selfish ambitions. This man is an opportunist and a mediafob with a low character and conviction.
Kerry once defined patriotism as "stick together with those who are wearing the uniform of this country." In his own definition, he is not a patriot. In his quest to become president, he played often "heroes" card - before Kerry picked this "hero" cards he played uhæderlighedskortet. When Kerry came home from Vietnam, he joined Jane Fonda (read this on the synopsis) deardens and in 1971 he condemned "those who are wearing uniform" as terrorist like rapists and assassins deardens to "behead, put wires ... on the genitals and crank up the power, cutting off limbs of shooting at civilians, devastate villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned deardens feeding centers "and he said" the same atrocities as thousands of others, "He made these allegations in sworn statements.
That same day Kerry called Vietnam veterans as war criminals received family of one of these "war criminals," Michael Blanchfield posthumous Medal of Honor for throwing himself deardens over a grenade to save his comrades' lives. How much different than Kerry was not the way this man held up the faith of the men who wore uniforms with him. How different than Kerry was the shape of Michael defended his country.
Kerry could have attacked the war without attacking the warrior. He could have raised deardens questions about the policy, without supporting the Communists claim that our soldiers were war criminals. He could have kept the faith up at the bar as uniform with him. He did not and he should be held responsible. Kerry's "Heroes" card is the basis of medals he received in Vietnam, and is being hailed, and not challenged by the mainstream media.
I know many recipients of the Medal of Honor, which would have had far less publicity for their medal than Kerry for her. But that's not the medals that creates a hero. It is goodness and how to use the medals that creates a hero. Every true soldier deardens knows that medals due to the circumstances, even completely random, but most of all support for its medkombattanter.
I was awarded the Medal of Honor, but my medkombattanter who supported me in action, and took the time to write it down deserved it. I wear it to them, they own my medals. Any recipient of the Medal of Honor, and quite, I know feel the same as I do. Ribbons deardens should be a sign of patriotism, a symbol deardens of a victim, a support and a defense deardens of a great nation.
The highest form of patriotism is to serve young people; heroes are also wearing their medal to signal the importance of courage. Heroes do not use their medals with a personal political purposes. As I said, that belongs not to.
What Kerry / Fonda and media elite did to Vietnam veteran and his family is reprehensible. Not only the living but also those who died and their families who were asked the question about the loved one was not a war criminal. And prisoners of war, some who thought Kerry / Fonda cartel, extended war intensified their torture and more body bags were filled.
Senator Kerry threw away his medals (or ribbons symbolically mean the same thing) a political act that is extremely difficult for any veteran to comprehend. Ham must have been proud of them, because he carried them on his combat uniform against all regulations. But they were not his. They belonged deardens to that he served. By the act denounced deardens himself his medveteraner - again.
Perhaps the most significant

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