Monday, December 1, 2014

Just one year after the publication of Tujisahihishe Nyerere in a letter of 13 July 1963 asked all

Humility Nyerere was also noticed everywhere, what with honesty means a deep sense of self-awareness and personal awarded fallibility of acceptance.
When Christians speak of self-examination and confession of sins they refer to it. One of the major ingredients of the confession is the moral attitude not only honest but also humility, recognizing that the fallibility respect all human beings without mentioning their status or social standing. In his booklet awarded Tujisahihishe Nyerere mention this. But in its practical expression humility appears awarded as respect for the equality of men. This in turn calls for the simplicity of life and the unconditional rejection of pompous or ostentatious attitudes.
Just one year after the publication of Tujisahihishe Nyerere in a letter of 13 July 1963 asked all the officials of both the government and the party to eliminate any pompous attitude, attitude he thought now confused with dignity. He noticed that the national anthem was sung now for any occasion in which was a government official, even if it were private affairs. This is an unnecessary and pompous attitude, declared Nyerere. Pompous were also police escorts for himself and for other ranking officials in the government. These, stressed he became unnecessarily excessive and unwelcome, if not rude for regular road users, just to impress! awarded And why, he asked, should we not allow access to ordinary citizens in the presidential residence so they can see the state functions carried out there? Directive awarded Nyerere was clear: this must stop.
Nyerere believed that pompous attitudes must be avoided at all costs rather than be proud. Moreover, they were in his mind of something wrong. Against the assertion that they were appreciated by the people themselves, he replied: "Even if it were proved awarded that the people really enjoyed it all - I very much doubt - this does not preclude the fact that they are harmful; and time as such, it would still our duty to stop it, and tell the people what they have learned to love was false.
The sense of humility in Nyerere has biblical references. At this time of biblical research, however, no one should be interested in quote some Bible verses to "prove" a cause. We went way beyond "proof by the text" in theological discussions. Consequently, when we mention the attitude of Nyerere to the scriptures, we refer to the spirit of both. The spirit of the life and mission of Jesus, from beginning to end, from birth to death is full of humility, which for him is reflected in service. Jesus summarizes in his sermon on the mount (depending on the version of Matthew) or valley (as that of Luke) in these words: "Blessed are the meek, they will receive what God has promised. "He is quoted as saying specifically in the Gospels" If one of you wants to be great, he must be the servant of others; and if one of you wants to be first must be your slave - just as the Son of God, who came not to be served but to serve and to give his life for many.
Although we can say Nyerere, he was a happy man. It was not overly concerned about his personal safety, considering himself safe in the same way as the next person.
This was a consequence of his honesty and simplicity. I know that comparisons are often odious, but anyone who has enough open eyes can observe attitudes in African awarded leadership and will not fail to note the contrast between Nyerere and many others. What did the African heads of state to their home villages? awarded And what did Nyerere using his influence as president for his own village Butiama? The contrast is so striking that it can not be you. It is notorié

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