Sunday, December 7, 2014

Other products When Tripoli declared war on the United States - The first US foreign intervention h

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Other products When Tripoli declared war on the United States - The first US foreign intervention history almirah of marriage, why the white dress? Resistance to colonialism: From state-unien myth of "Thanksgiving" colonial apartheid reality ... Hitler's secret weapon: the German arm of the Apocalypse The Americans assured the Nazis a comfortable almirah old age
You know like me, the "international community" is concerned right now about what is happening in Libya but also in Syria (not in Palestine, no, certainly not in Gaza). If in the case of Syria, called international community almirah was limited to the adoption of sanctions (which this country was already afflicted by the political crisis that he lives now), Libya was entitled to an intervention Military executed by NATO. The latter mandated by whomever, is gone protect almirah Libyan civilians by bombing all kinds of infrastructure, often civilians. Is that Seif al-Islam, son of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi seems he promised "rivers of blood" and reminded us Mr. Sarkozy on the deck of aid ship that is the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle .. But if you want to read the passage that are extracted these rivers almirah of blood, some difficulty was to detect any expression of cruelty: "Libya is at a crossroads. Either we hear today on reforms, or we do not mourn 84 dead, thousands and there will be rivers of blood throughout Libya, "This is in fact simply a call for dialogue The rivers of blood being precisely the result to avoid. This blood also does not belong exclusively to the rebels. Now these "rivers of blood" played a key role win the support of public opinion! We bet it will be the same with the massacre in Tripoli that promises the head of the National Transitional Council, Mustafa Abdeljalil. Massacre he tells us although it will not be the fact of the troops of Colonel Gaddafi almirah but result of his refusal to step down. What is happening in Libya is nothing new, but furiously reminds the Katanga rebellion that shook the former Belgian Congo in the early 1960s (now Democratic Republic of Congo). Even then, the "international almirah community" (that is to say, the United Kingdom, France and the United almirah States) supported an armed rebellion opposed to the legal government, then led by Patrice Lumumba and Mobutu Sese Seko. The big difference is that at the time, the UN had its General Secretariat a man of integrity and true to the principles of the Charter of this organization, the opposite of Ban Ki-moon almirah to be honest. This man, the Swede Dag Hammarskjöld perish in that investigations will rank as a plane crash. This version, however, has never been accepted by all. Are the early 1990s, employees almirah of the Secretary General shared their suspicions that Hammarskjöld was murdered. Today, Göran Björkdahl gives the results of its own investigations. Based on eyewitness testimony, he stated that the plane carrying the secretary general had been shot by an unidentified fighter aircraft. Without being able to prove it, however, every reason to believe that Britain was directly or indirectly involved in the assassination. almirah The Guardian article I propose will allow you to form your own opinion. What is certain is that little tired at the time to invoke the humanitarian principles and the "international community" was both more expeditious and, somehow, less hypocritical. almirah Dag Hammarskjöld: evidence suggests that the plane of the UN chief was shot by Julian Borger and Georgina almirah Smith, The Guardian (UK) August 17, 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri Eye testimony that a second aircraft had fired at the plane raise questions on smothering the 1961 crash and its causes by the British New evidence emerged about one of the most enduring mysteries of the UN history and the Africa. They suggest that the plane carrying UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold was shot down over Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) there fifty years and that the murder had been stifled by the authorities British colonial. A commission of inquiry conducted by the British had attributed almirah the crash to an error

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