Thursday, December 4, 2014

Yet Rosetta put his robot on the comet, with one leg in the air, it will not recharge its batteries

This blog wants to be that of freedom of speech taiichi ohno and confrontation of ideas. I propose to discuss hot and succinctly, a news event, an interesting statement, calling or event lighting, taiichi ohno a remark. I allow myself to be subjective, anecdotal, fast. It is open to debate from these themes and topics, and other readers can choose from. For this blog aims to be a forum. A regular appointment, friendly and tolerant. Everything can here be said, even if it is not forbidden to be argued and relevant. The only condition I ask is to respect the basic rules of civility: the offensive or outrageous remarks are obviously undesirable. A moderator watch it. Welcome!
Here it is, we love Europe! The feat of Rosetta, who joined a lost comet and ungrateful to drop his robot-control is primarily a victory for the European Space Agency. It is also the competence, quality that is scarce in politics won by amateurism. Rosetta reinflate the collective morale. The craze for this success is a reminder that the decline can obviously ward. But for this, another Europe should be proposed, based more on people and their solidarity. In politics, a place should be made to the builders. Improvisation and short termism in which French policy is locked in, which is a prison taiichi ohno Rosetta was able to escape
What a feat, but why do concret.Coùt huge favorite for ruinée.J'aurais Europe taiichi ohno that this budget is allocated taiichi ohno to our military to guarantee our safety first and the lives of our soldats.Nous have funded this project and more finance our wars in opex.Cet money could help us to modernize our army, saving lives of our favorite exposés.J'aurais soldiers that Germany and other European countries, cooperate with our armies to fight the danger nazislamiste.L space that may be the future, but our main concern is the present and the near future. Technical feat no doubt, but so useful that in times of crisis?
Decline / revival, amateurism / skill, crisis / success, Rosetta is an opportunity to see the enthusiasm of scientists following a test of ten years successful. They are inexhaustible, scientists and technicians flying high (so to speak!), And their future discoveries useful taiichi ohno excite curiosity. The past to explore the outer reaches of our origins and applications facing the world today, make their eyes shine jubilation. This is a great success and great patience taiichi ohno ....
Yet Rosetta put his robot on the comet, with one leg in the air, it will not recharge its batteries properly, it is out of balance, the result could be less effective than expected.
But back to the image of the decline and Europe, this may well be the same, the paw in the air Rosetta. I mean, we clearly see the decline of France and of Europe, surrounded by economic, social taiichi ohno danger, wars in the eastern gates etc ...
We see clearly that it is a -urgente urgency of our problem with immigration taiichi ohno and Islamization of society, taiichi ohno even before you settle financial and economic issues, it is imperative to regain our full sovereignty.
Out of Europe, to arrest the decline and begin the renewal. Who, how, when, why, the major issues on the table are hardly debated by our political cunning that well fulfill their nest egg if one believes the investigation of the day, where three nickel taiichi ohno feet of the UMP are actually pinching with pretty small accounts in ... Switzerland.
Out of Europe with them? - Sarkozy: For Europe - Fillon for release return, we go out and we go with a lot of new requirements .... yeah! - Juppé: Europe + center + + Homos immigrants with children - the center / at the time I write, I do not know who is chef / Bayrou he will rally but Europe still there.
Good. If the decline does not suit us, it remains MLP. Not everything will be perfect because it is not my double, but for now, I have no other better option. taiichi ohno I count out the decline, with MIP, for even France, handed in the right direction of the nation.
I am sorry for soccer players, my direction is not Qatar. For another Europe: one that will be built, not for global governance, but to highlight honest and reciprocal links with some states, decided to care about their people and fair but not exotic trade and industry towards a balanced local production. Where the school taiichi ohno would learn French (and other languages), and basic, a French history not revisited for fair

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