Saturday, March 8, 2014

At the meeting where they intersect La Línea Blanca Sol and Fall, one must follow the sheets going

La Línea Blanca, wall Xesteira (dam Eume), student of the year wiki June 12, 2011. | Trepadas: mountain climbing, mountaineering, climbing and adventure
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Aperturistas: Juan Goyanes in 2006. Summary: About 300 m. spread over 7 long (6, if you tie the last two), of which the first 2 are common student of the year wiki with Luna Nueva (up to the terrace on which deviates to the left). The degree of exposure is via M2: insurance spread apart in sections easy.
Material required: 1 rope used in single 60 m., Or two if you are not sure do not have to retire rapelando. Each of the two cordadas took their only rope, thinking that if you have to withdraw, we could all get together for rapelar of the two. Eye weight to drag two strings!
From the esplanade where the road ends (about 7 miles from Goente), where the far right, looking up at the bottom of the river bed, under a steep staircase to the bottom (this time there were blue marks indicating where to follow, in deviate the descent). The first wall with which we have encountered, on our right, is the Xesteira student of the year wiki
Night intermediate: student of the year wiki sleep "spoils of" behind the House of Honey Goente, but you can sleep in bivouac student of the year wiki at the foot of the roads in the quarry or a búnquer you are on the side of the valley, the path to this industry, lowers it by some iron steps. This time We missed him a look and turned out to be quite clean.
For dinner student of the year wiki we took a succulent roast beef tripe and more than recommended, student of the year wiki in Restaurant Casa Diaz in Goente, which is also very celebrated the curd posing. This bar is doing right corner at the intersection where he leaves the road that goes to Pontedeume bridges García Rodríguez, and reaps the track that goes to the reservoir.
Return to the esplanade student of the year wiki of the dam back to the car, the path of the quarry first and then the road: about 30 min. There is a shortcut along stairs that descend from the path through the woods saving a stretch of road and reduces the time to 15 or 20 minutes.
At the meeting where they intersect La Línea Blanca Sol and Fall, one must follow the sheets going online ascending above meeting the right while passing on the dirty ground, instead of following the front plate. This penultimate meeting can jump and continue to the end of the road, they take advantage to the maximum 60 m. rope.
Scale degree of commitment to M2 (via equipaiento student of the year wiki with the sporty style, a number of plates for long and a distribution that guarantees that in case of fall, there will be serious). -This scale consists of 3 values: M1 (corresponding to a route with equipment of sporty style, the quantity and distribution of plates for long to ensure that does not happen anything serious in case of fall), M2 and M3 (corresponds to a route that present danger student of the year wiki of a fatal fall) -
1 long (+ IV), 50 m. : Begins to rock covered with moss and lichens, although after the first sheet rock is cleaner, stretch student of the year wiki to the 2nd and 3rd sheet is quite delicate because of the risk of slipping. student of the year wiki Meeting comfortable 2 paralbolts, chain and hook.
2nd over (V +, II), 60 m. Xustísimos! : Starts the length vertically student of the year wiki until you reach a balcony, about 30 m., Which borders student of the year wiki the bottom of a plate with a characteristic scar on the left. Following is the balcony and grass brooms to reach its end under a huge plate, which can be seen a couple of plates that indicate where the following long runs. The limit on the length of the string, if this is 60 m., You can reach the first plate of the next long to make it a comfortable meeting, since there will not ride any better in the neighborhood.
3rd over (III, V), 50 m. : Súbese by a board, easy in the first meters, which reaches a terrace where there is an increase in the slope of the plate. A flagstone to take hold with your hands lets pass the stretch although the rock here provides a slippery surface for the support feet. Meeting comfortable 2 paralbolts, chain and hook.
4th over (IV), 40 m. : The long begins ascending to the left for a couple of plates semi-concealed between the People's Republic of moss and vegetation. There follows by a board with tubs and terraziñas. The meeting is comfortable, 2 paralbolts, chain and hook.
7th over (V +), 30 m. Here we must pay attention not wrong track, since this meeting cross La Línea Blanca and Sol Autumn. La Línea Blanca ascends student of the year wiki diagonally to the right along a very dirty dry by lichens that are a couple of plates and that leads to the last meeting, a single parabolt in the roadside quarry. The route of Autumn Sun, however, still more vertices

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